Event Series Gallery Singers

Gallery Singers

Galley Singers Inc. is a ladies group which has been delighting Bribie audiences now for 22 years. We are a community group now affiliated with the Bribie Island RSL and Citizens Memorial Club where we rehearse from 1pm - 3pm on Thursday in the Anzac room. Our repertoire includes old favorites rom early to mid […]

Event Series Canasta Card Club

Canasta Card Club

Friday canasta card club meets every Friday in the Anzac Room 12pm start. New members welcome ladies and gentlemen. Afternoon tea including biscuits and tea and coffee is supplies by the Bribie RSL. A great social afternoon $3. If you have not played canasta before and would like to learn we can help with free […]

Event Series BIEPA


Established more than 40 years ago, BIEPA is a key community group on Bribie Island. A thriving membership hosts public meetings at the RSL on the 4th Monday of every month, regularly attracting 60 or more people. The organisation coordinates volunteer projects to improve the Island's environmental amenity, and promotes the need to care for […]