Welcome to Our Community


500 Club

Do you play 500? Then why not come and join us for a friendly game – 500 club play each Monday in the Anzac room from 12.3pm – 4pm. No partners are required. We have raffles prizes and winners each day are rewarded. The Bribie RSL supplies afternoon tea. Cost $5

Contact: Carol: 0438 713 663 OR Carmel: 0423 038 873


Bongaree Neighbourhood Watch 

Neighbourhood Watch is a community-based program that plays an integral role in the establishment of community partnerships, reducing crime & improving community safety. Public meetings are held 9:30am, every third Tuesday of each month at Bribie RSL ANZAC room. Opportunity for residents to discuss community safety needs plus a guest speaker giving information relevant to our community.

Area Co-Ordinator: Greg Rollason 07 3408 1998  bongareenhw@outlook.com  https://www.facebook.com/bongareenhw


Bribie Island Men’s Shed

Corner Foley Street & Fifth Avenue Bongaree (Behind Church of Christ)  Prospective members tours, Wednesdays 9:00am to 11:00am Men’s Sheds have been developed to enable men to get together in companionship and to work on projects for the benefit of the community.

Contact:0417 078 363 bribiemensshed@outlook.com Community Men’s Shed Bribie Island | Facebook

Bribie Family History Association

meet at Bribie RSL in the Anzac Room on the 1st Friday in the month at 9.00am

Contact: Elizabeth Keong – 0438 388 676 libbykmemo@gmail.com


Bribie Island Support Group of Parkinson’s Queensland Inc.

Meet at Bribie RSL in the Garden room or Anzac room at 1.00pm – 4.00pm Second Thursday of each month

Contact: David Martin –  0418 750 120  dynamic.bus@bigpond.com



is the community environmental action group on Bribie Island. We have over a hundred members involved in a variety of projects, including things like weeding, planting, and litter collecting as well as more ambitious projects to protect nesting turtles, restore native habitat, and establish a discovery centre. Come along to one of our social meetings on the fourth Monday of every month starting at 7pm to see if you’d like to join us. We usually have an educational and entertaining guest speaker, plus short talks from other members, and general project updates. The easiest way to join is via the website.

Contact: Liz O’Bryne Liz@biepa.online


Bribie Island Garden Club

The idea of a Bribie Island Garden Club began after a conversation at church one day. Mavis McLaren and Shirley Scott sent out invitations to a group of enthusiastic ladies, and the first meeting of The Bribie Island Garden Club was held on 27th March 1984 with twelve members attending this first meeting. The Club has grown in numbers even though the dark days of COVID 19 which shows you can’t keep our gardeners from sharing and caring. The Bribie Island Garden Club’s membership is now over 100 with up to 80 members coming to the monthly meetings. The members exhibit their flowers, fruit, vegetables, and foliage in 23 different sections. The judges award points, which at the end of the year are collated, and prizes presented. At morning tea, the members view the judging tables, and much conversation is had between the gardeners. Our male membership is steadily growing, and the men are just as enthusiastic as the ladies at presenting their prized plants.  Our Guest Speakers makes sure we keep up to date with all new gardening advice. The Bribie Island Garden Club meets at the RSL auditorium every fourth Wednesday starting at 9.30 finishing by 11.00am.  Annual Membership is $12.00 which includes a Club diary.  The diary gives all the information on the judging requirements and other gardening tips.  The Club also has monthly social gatherings and Speakers to regale us with information on a variety of subjects.

Contact: Lorraine James 0427 120378  bribieislandgardenclub@hotmail.com 


Bribie Island Social Seniors

 Meet the first Monday of the month in the Club Auditorium

Contact: Nina Murphy 0409 065 023  ninamurphy@bigpond.com


Bribie Island Probus

An Australasia-wide group comprising over 1,700 clubs with more than 125,000 members, Probus clubs provide an opportunity to make new friends, engage in fellowship and have a bit of fun.  The Probus Club of Bribie Island is open to male and female members living on Bribie Island and surrounding districts and meets at 9.00 a.m. in the RSL’s Garden Room on the first Tuesday each month.  Meetings include a guest speaker presentation when members hear from locals skilled in their own area of expertise.  The club also organises each year a number of lunches, BBQs, morning teas and outings to local points of interest. The club is non-sectarian and non-political and is not a fund raising organisation. Our website is a goldmine of information – simply Google “Bribie Island Probus” and follow the prompts.

Contact: Dave Beatson 0408 453 086 or Gabrielle Bain 0407 341074  


Bribie Island RSL Fishing Club

Meet at Bribie RSL second Monday of the month from 7.00pm – 8.30pm. Bribie Island Fishing Club also holds weekly raffles at the club on Thursday nights, so please come down and support us.

Contact: Keith Kables  0419 644 709 kables1@bigpond.com


Bribie Island RSL Indoor Bowls

Are you looking for a new sporting and social outlet? Well. look no further than the Bribie Island RSL Indoor Bowls Club!  It does not matter if you have never bowled before because we will provide coaching to allow new members to learn the basic skills and get some confidence in their ability. The Club bowls in the auditorium of the Bribie Island RSL each Tuesday afternoon from 12.45m and on Fridays starting at 8.30 am.  Club competitions and run practice mornings are held on the first and second Wednesdays of each month. New members are allowed 2 free days of bowls to see if they are suited to the game.  After that, it only costs $3.00 each time you play.  Membership is open to all ages and costs only $5.00 per year to join.  The only other condition is that you must be a Bribie Island RSL Club member. The Club has a very friendly atmosphere and there is always a lot of fun and laughter each time we bowl.  For those who may be interested in more than social bowls, we hold competitions throughout the year. If you would like to know more about joining the Indoor Bowls Club,

Feel free to drop in to the RSL auditorium on any day that we are playing or you can simply call our Publicity Officer, Peter Robinson, on 0417 736 390 for more information.


Bribie Island RSL Social Golf Club

 Boosting over 50 members, though many don’t play, or play a little.

Web Site https://www.bribieislandrslsocialgolfclub.com/.

We just ask that people who wish to join are current members of the Bribie Island RSL


Bribie Island Toastmasters

 Meet in the Club Anzac room the first and third Tuesday of month from 7.00pm – 9.00pm

Contact: Jock Elliot 0411 477 691 jock_elliott31@hotmail.com


Canasta Club Bribie Island

Friday canasta card club meets every Friday in the Anzac Room 12pm start. New members welcome ladies and gentlemen. A great social afternoon $3 includes tea/coffee and biscuits. If you have not played canasta before and would like to learn we can help with free coaching lessons.

Contact: Rose 0423699051 or Dawn 0414414730


CONNECT Ladies Lunch

 is a local Business Women’s group that started in 2005. We meet for a networking luncheon (12-2pm) on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Bribie Island RSL. Members have the opportunity to promote their business and we also have a guest speaker at each luncheon. Over the years we’ve had an array of very diverse speakers from all walks of life… such as Juliette Wright founder of GIVIT… Kathy Rynders former Deputy Commissioner of Police… Tracey Leak Author, Speaker & Business Coach… Donna Falconer with her Groovy Booby Bus… & Michelle Hewitt ‘Our Woman Our State’ award winner.

Lunch costs $25 & includes a complimentary glass of champagne & the guest speaker. We have only 3 rules… 1 rsvp… 2 turn off your phone… 3 have fun.

We also make a monthly donation to our local charity of choice B.I.K.E.S (Bribie Island Kids Educational Support) Anyone wishing to enquire about joining please email either

Lyn at lyn@bribieislandrealestate.com.au    or    Kerrianne at kerrianne@zama.com.au


Euchre Club

Play Euchre every Wednesday from 12.30pm – 4.00pm in the Anzac room

Contact: Ric Girdler 0448 736 324  ric.girdler@bigpond.com


Gallery Singers Inc.

 is a ladies group which has been delighting Bribie audiences now for 22 years. We are a
community group now affiliated with the Bribie Island RSL and Citizens Memorial Club where we rehearse from 1 –
3pm on Thursdays in the ANZAC ROOM. Our repertoire includes old favorites from early to mid 20th century to
more recent popular works of the late 20 century to present day, sung in 2 and 3 part arrangements. Our
performance venues over this 22 years have included Matthew Flinders Gallery, Caboolture Hospital, Retirement
Villages and Respite Centres, Bribie Island RSL, Rotary Markets and Pacific Harbour Christmas Lights Regatta.
We invite you to join us for our SUNDAY SERENADE CONCERT at the RSL Auditorium on July 31st at 2pm to help us
celebrate our 21st + 1 Birthday. Tickets are $20.00 and include a Cuppa and Cake. Bookings may be made by calling Eileen on 0408 302 889.
If you have previous experience in choral singing or just love to sing and would like to join us

Contact: Janet Thompson 0439 549 820  janetgt@bigpond.com


Historical Society

The Bribie Island Historical Society was founded in 2008 and our 80 members meet at the RSL’s ANZAC Room at 6:30pm on the Second Wednesday of the Month.  We have guests and members who speak on a range of interesting topics as well as field trips to places of interest. The Historical Society has collected and recorded over 3,000 historical records and images in their database and selected items are posted monthly in their Blog Site https://bribieislandhistory.blogspot.com. Our Website https://www.bribiehistoricalsociety.org.au contains stories of Bribie’s history and its residents and the photo gallery has over 200 photographs. We publish books which include “Handy History of Bribie Island”, “Describing Bribie Island 1865-1964” and “They Answered the Call” which are available at the Seaside Museum.  The Society also publishes regular articles in local newspapers and magazines. We conduct regular Heritage Walks for various groups of people throughout the year covering Bongaree Heritage and Bribie in World War 2.


Ladies of Links

The objective of the Ladies of the Links Dinner Club is to meet new friends and create community in a relaxed setting.  The dinners are held on the last Thursday of each month from February to November. Annual membership is $10.00. Three course dinners cost $55 per person and members buy their own drinks. The club currently has 80 members.  Members are seated with different members at each dinner, therefore creating friendships.

The club may be contacted on ladiesofthelinksbanksiab@gmail.com



 Meet in the clubs Anzac room the fourth Tuesday of each month from 9.30am – 12.00pm



Plays  Mah Jong each Wednesday morning from 8.30am – 12.00pm in the clubs Anzac room

Contact: June Delbridge Phone: 0428 719 345 Email: bjdelbridge2@live.com


Partners of Veterans

P.V.A .was first established in New South Wales in 1999 and the first Queensland branch began in 2003. P.V.A. is a voluntary non-profit organisation which provides welfare, health and assistance support for partners, carers and families of Australian veterans. Bribie Island’s group, named the OPALS (Our Partners Always Lending Support), was formed in 2017 and is one of 23 P.V.A. groups throughout Queensland. The Opals hold meetings on the first Thursday of each month at the RSL in Bongaree and new members always are welcome. As part of their regular meetings the group often features guest speakers, most recently members of the Kokoda Foundation but previous topics have included assistance dogs, advice on health and wellbeing, and many local organizations.  The group also conduct regular outings and coffee mornings.

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact P.V.A. Opals convenor Vicki Taylor-Crook, 0411 595839


Pumicestone Probus

Meet in the Clubs Garden room the second Tuesday each month from 9.15am – 11.30am

Contact: Peter Buck  0412 193 678  pbuck@ihig.com.au


Seniors Computer Club 

Meet on the second, third and fourth Tuesday of the month from 1.00pm – 5.00pm in the Clubs  Anzac Room

Contact: Steven Collcutt  0403 202 870 scollcutt@gmail.com 


Square Dancers 

Dance the morning away every Thursday in the club Auditorium from  9.00am – 11.45am

Contact: Elaine Davis 0407 679 512  rob.elaine.davis5@bigpond.com

Member Rewards

Become a member and enjoy a tonne of advantages





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